Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Dear praying friends, and family,

2009 is drawing to a close, and it has been a blessed year! We have completed almost 20 years now under appointment as full time missionaries. (Appointed; 2/13/1990). The Lord has been good, merciful, and kind to us. How can/could we ever thank Him enough for His grace and love? He has saved us, he has called and commissioned us, and He daily allows us to serve Him, telling the lost how to know His son, in whom there is redemption, salvation, and freedom, from the bondage of sin!

Thanks for the way you support us, in prayer and giving, through the Cooperative Program, and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Thanks also for some of you who send letters, cards, and gifts/packages to us, personally. All this means a great deal to us.


- For the establishment of our second house church, in East Paraguay. This year we baptized into this fellowship, 13 and are running about 30. Please pray for them, and for the pastor, David, whom I weekly disciple and mentor. Also please pray for his wife Natalia, and their son Victor.

-For the 2.5 years of existence of the mother Church LA ROCA. We have baptized 8 this year, and are running, on average 33, in this church. We had a combined service this year with 117 folks.

-For a partnership we have entered into with the Delta Valley Baptist Association, (Central CA). We received a group from this association in October and were able to spend almost 2 weeks with them, in intensive evangelism, and in a social betterment project in a local school. In the former about 10,000 pieces of literature, and Bible portions, were distributed, and hundreds heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. Also in the social ministries project, we painted a school for about 500 lower income kids. All this can be seen in depth, on our blog.

-Our son John Glenn successfully finished his BA at Cal. Baptist University. He graduated with honors, in 4 years, with a double major in Pol. Sci., and Philosophy. We were able to be there for that momentous occasion. He is presently working at a safe house for needy kids, and working at CBU on an MA in Public Administration.

-Our son Steven finished his HS, and has finished his first year of University online, from here in Paraguay. He is doing well, and is a great blessing to us.

-Our son-in-law and daughter, Jason and Julia, are doing well in Norfolk Va. Jason works as a mortgage banker and Julia as a Special Ed. teacher. We are excited that we will see them, in a few months, when we travel to the USA, for our furlough.


-For us to be able to win, more people to Christ, and have the time to disciple and mentor them.

- For us to have a fervent passion for the lost.

-For us to start more house churches.

-For our leadership couples: Elvio, and Carla, Olga, and Pablo, Jose and Nancy, Felix, and Rosanna, Martin, and Elsa. Also for Pastor David, and Natalia.

-For the new Christians: Estella, Alipio, Olga, Rosanna, Cesar, Freddi, Rolando, and Victoria, to name a few. Also for several of their lost friends with whom we are sharing. Pray especially in this category, for: Cristobal, Pablo M., Gladys, Pedro, Pablo L., Elias, and Diego.

-For Tim’s mother, Jackie. She is in kidney failure, and is in need of dialysis. She is in the hospital as I write this. For Iracema’s mother, Ruth, who will be 96 next week. She recently fell and fractured her hip. For our siblings in Brazil, and the USA who offer care for our parents. How we appreciate them, in this and all they do to support us, as well!

As this time of Christmas approaches, how we thank God that he so loved the world that he gave his only son, for the salvation of all. Today many people have never heard the good news. As you make your gift to the LMCO in your local church, we want to thank you for your faithfulness in this regard. It is what keeps us on the mission field.

In His love,

The Kunkels

East Paraguay

Friday, December 4, 2009

Boletín de Deciembre, 2009; Iglesia LA ROCA

Les saludamos en el nombre del Señor Jesús. No puedo creer! que el año 2009 se nos fue! (Casi).

Ahora queda 24 días y el año del 2009 se entrará en la historia. Donde vamos? Donde estamos? Yo lo veo así;

Nuestro grupo esta compuesto de m/m 20 miembros adultos fieles. Tenemos unos 10 que hemos bautizados, que por varios motivos no están mas con nosotros. Algunos de ellos han flaquecidos, o han caídos. Dentro de poco vamos a sacar sus nombres del rol de la iglesia. Otros no están mas en el país. Tenemos unos simpatizantes más, que frecuentan nuestras reuniones, y con esto llegamos a unas 40 personas. Nuestra asistencia ha sido un promedio de unas 33 personas este año, en cada culto. Ustedes están aprendiendo a diezmar y ofrendar, y nuestras entradas están m/m en unos 1,700,000 gs$ por mes. De esto casi la mitad estamos dando y usando en la obra misionera local y nacional. Si UD es miembro y quiere saber mas detalles de lo financiero de LA ROCA, acérquese a hermano Elvio. Algunos están diezmando, otros no. Les animo que sean fieles al Señor en esta área. Tenemos una iglesia hermana llamada Roca de Salvación. Pr. Timoteo pasa unas horas casi cada semana con el pastor de esta obra, y su familia, y estamos tratando de animarles, y guiarles en sus pasos iniciales. Los domingos que no estamos aquí en LA ROCA, estamos en RS, y hemos animado nuestros hermanos miembros que hagan lo mismo. Sigamos haciendo esto. Hay la posibilidad? que un día se va a unir las dos obras. Estemos orando por esto. Con la gente unida, de miembros tenemos m/m 40. Con amigos y simpatizantes, unos 80-100. Vamos ver lo que el Señor va a hacer. Estemos orando fervientemente por esto.

Comenzar dos nuevos puntos de predicación, en 2/2010: También estamos pensando en abrir dos nuevos locales para predicar el Evangelio, los domingos de mañana. Estoy ya en conversación con los dueños de las casas sobre esta posibilidad. Si?? hacemos esto, el año que viene haríamos así: un Domingo en la casa de los Hermanos Elvio y Carla, un Domingo en Roca de Salvación, y uno c/u en las dos casas a mas. Los familias que tengo en mente tienen gran poder convocatorio, y una visión, evangelistica. Oren por nosotros para realmente discernir la voluntad de Dios en todo esto. La idea es de expandir, y ganar almas para el Señor!

Personería Jurídica de LA ROCA. Hemos contratado un abogado, y una escribana para completar esto, para que seamos una entidad legal en el Paraguay.

-Nuestro regreso a los USA. De aquí en 7 meses nosotros estaremos regresando a los USA por unos meses. Antes de esto queremos dejar esto ja establecido:

-El concilio funcionando, dirigiendo la iglesia en la ausencia del Pastor y Sra.
-La personería Jurídica terminada

-Cada miembro de LA ROCA, fuerte, discipulado, y discipulando otros.
-Cada miembro siendo auto alimentado en su vida espiritual, y alimentando y disipulando otros. Me regozijo con los que ya están con tus propios discipulios. Dios les siga bendiciendo. Sigan adelante en esto. Así podremos crecer!
-Cada hombre, jefe de flia, siendo el sacerdote, de verdad, de su familia. (Vea Job 1).
-Roca de Salvación, fuerte y cada vez más con identidad de iglesia.

Hermanos, creemos que el Señor, jefe de la obra, esta queriendo hacer GRANDES COSAS aquí en el AP, en Paraguay, y desde aquí al mundo. (Hechos 1:8). El no quiere que nadie se pierda, más que todos vengan al conocimiento de la verdad. (11 Pedro 3:9). Sentís de ayudarnos, en realizar esta visión? Manos a la obra! Nosotros, y el Señor estamos contando contigo!

Les amamos,

PR. Timoteo e Iracema

PD, Fechas a llevar en cuenta…

Prójimos cultos, 3 de Enero, y , 7 de Febrero, 2010; 09;00 Casa de Elvio y Carla

Retiro del Concilio de la iglesia. Se requiere la presencia de: Timoteo, Elvio, Martín, Pablo, José, y Félix. Chacra de los hermanos, Martín, y Elsa, Sábado día 19/12;
Hora 1700 — Domingo 20, hora 17;00.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


WOW, WOW, PTL, PTL, is all I can say. This was an AWESOME week, as we officially kicked off our 3 year partnership with the Central CA Association of Baptist churches, of the Delta Valley, Stockton, Manteca, Lodi, et al Area... We received the first of 6 teams, that we will receive in three years, and hit the ground running. A few of the things we did.

-Distributed 1000 Gospels of John.

-Distributed about 5,000 Gospel tracts

-Distributed 30oo Personal testimonies

-Shared the Gospel with about 1000 kids at two local schools.

-Baptized 7 new believers.

-Painted 1/2 of a school, that houses 500 kids.

-Presented the Gospel to the students at same school, and many of their parents and teachers.

-Made 450 home visits, where the Gospel was clearly proclaimed by the written and spoken word.

-Had a worship service of the two LA ROCA churches with 117 present. This was a record number for us.
-Dedicated a baby.

None of this would be possible with your love, prayers and support! Keep holding the ropes for us!
Love in Christ,
The Kunkels, Paraguay

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We want to thank the Lord for the way he is blessing in our two house churches. LA ROCA is a beginning Church Planting Movement in the Eastern Part of Paraguay. It is a dream which was planted in our hearts, by the Lord, who does not want anyone to perish but all to come to Salvation. ( Please see II PETER 3:9). It began a little over 2 years ago. Because we can never build enough churches to reach all the people that live in this area, ( Roughly 600,000 within 40 miles of us), we want to start churches in homes, in un-used offices, garages, under mango trees, :-) etc. We now have two and a core group of about 60 people. We have weekly meetings, and baptize people every month or so. We have the Lord's Supper 2x per month. We are seeing RADICAL CONVERSIONS.

I often say if there is no CHANGE there is no CONVERSION. We are seeing this. Whole families are coming to Christ. People's lives are being changed. What is our dream? 100 house churches in this area. It will take some time, but we believe our God is BIG ENOUGH to help us acomplish it. Pray!!! for us!!

God bless you, Pastor Tim, and Iracema M. Kunkel, CDE, Paraguay

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

32 years of HAPPY MARRIAGE! 32 anios de matrimonio feliz!!

TO GOD BE THE GLORY! 32 years ago today he gave us each other. Niteroi Brazil, 8/11/1977!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Boletín de Agosto, 2009; Iglesia LA ROCA

Es difícil creer que ya estamos en Agosto! Como este año se nos va. Como están? Como están con tus votos, tus promesas al Señor hecho en Enero? Como estas con la administración de su tiempo, tu vida, tus talentos, tu todo? Todo este llamamos de mayordomía. Esto esta sendo en parte, el tema de hoy. Como estas? Llego el tempo de hacer un chequeo, de medio año, para todos nosotros! Algunos de ustedes se que están bien! Yo y Iracema estamos con UDS semanalmente, en discipulado 1/1.

Algunos podrían preguntar “Pero como puede andar una iglesia bien que solamente tuene la reunión principal 1x por mes”? Yo creo que la respuesta es esta: En LA ROCA estamos tratando de enseñar a todos que ser Cristiano RADICAL no es!! ser un Cristiano dominguera. Es un discipulado radical de TODODS LOS DIAS.

Si, hace parte el no dejar de reunirnos, (Heb. 10:25), pero muchos que van a la iglesia todos los domingos, y al culto de oración los miércoles, no están viviendo una vida Cristiana victoriosa. Se no aprendemos a alimentarnos diariamente de la Palabra de Dios, en nuestras casas, NUNCA seremos creyentes fuertes! NUNCA podremos ganar otros a Cristo! No se olviden que el fruto madura siempre cae cerca al árbol! Tenes tu?? discípulos? Como están ellos? La verdad es que serán como tu! estas!

Con esto digo que no debemos ir a la iglesia en los domingos? Claro que no. Tenemos una iglesia hermana que tiene reuniones todos los domingos. Los domingos que no estamos en LA ROCA, estemos en ROCA DE LA SALVACION! Yo Iracema y Steven así lo hacemos. Y ustedes? Les he animando que UDS hagan esto. Lo están haciendo?

Dentro de unos meses se va aconstruir un templo. Ya hay un terreno, y la plata inicial para comenzar la edificación, prometido. En tiempo habra cultos todos los domingos. Pero si usted no va ahora a los cultos, como irán después? El reunirse semanalmente es un hábito que debemos practicar AHORA! Como estas tu en esto?

Prójimas reuniones: Cultos en la roca: 6/Setiembre, 0900 Casa de Elvio y Carla.

11/Octubre 0900 Casa de Elvio y Carla. Nótense que este mes NO hay culto en el 1r domingo. Será el 2ndo domingo con hermanos de los USA.

Vigília: 20-23 horas, Sábado, 22/ Agosto, Casa de Timóteo y Iracema. Traiga algo, por favor para compartir.

Que Dios les bendiga! Les amamos,

Pr. Timoteo e Iracema

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dia del Amigo

El Día del Amigo tuvo un antecedente histórico llamado Cruzada mundial de la amistad que fue una campaña en favor de dar valor y realce a la Amistad entre lo Seres Humanos, de forma que permita fomentar la Cultura de la Paz. Fue ideada por el Doctor Ramón Artemio Bracho en Puerto Pinasco, Paraguay en 1958. A partir de dicha idea, se fijó el 30 de julio como Día de la Amistad y se celebra en varios países de Sudamérica. En Paraguay se celebra el 30 de julio. Las vísperas del 30 de julio son aprovechadas para comprar regalos a los amigos cercanos y a las parejas, son muy comunes las fiestas o una cena entre amigos íntimos. También se considera tradicional el juego del "Amigo Invisible" donde en pequeños papeles se reparten los nombres de todos los miembros de un grupo y al que sale elegido (en forma secreta) se le regala un presente el día 30. Esta costumbre es muy practicada en Asunción y otras ciudades paraguayas en las escuelas y lugares de trabajo. Fuente WIKIPEDIA, DIA DEL AMIGO.
17 Así también la fe, si no tiene obras, es muerta en sí misma. 23 Y se cumplió la Escritura que dice: Abraham creyó a Dios, y le fue contado por justicia,(E) y fue llamado amigo de Dios. (Santiago 2).
8 Pero tú, Israel, siervo mío eres; tú, Jacob, a quien yo escogí, descendencia de Abraham mi amigo.(A) 9 Porque te tomé de los confines de la tierra, y de tierras lejanas te llamé, y te dije: Mi siervo eres tú; te escogí, y no te deseché. 10 No temas, porque yo estoy contigo; no desmayes, porque yo soy tu Dios que te esfuerzo; siempre te ayudaré, siempre te sustentaré con la diestra de mi justicia. (Isaias 41).
11 Estas cosas os he hablado, para que mi gozo esté en vosotros, y vuestro gozo sea cumplido. 12 Este es mi mandamiento: Que os améis unos a otros,(A) como yo os he amado. 13 Nadie tiene mayor amor que este, que uno ponga su vida por sus amigos. 14 Vosotros sois mis amigos, si hacéis lo que yo os mando. 15 Ya no os llamaré siervos, porque el siervo no sabe lo que hace su señor; pero os he llamado amigos, porque todas las cosas que oí de mi Padre, os las he dado a conocer. Juan 15)
Nótense que hay tres palabras en el idioma original para AMOR. EROS = Amor en el matrimonio, FILEO Amor entre amigos, hermanos, (Filadelfia= cuidad del amor fraterno), y AGAPE. Al amor de Dios / Incondicional. Vea. 1 Cor. 13) Nótense que hay tres palabras en el original para vida. ZOE, Vida en general, Bios vida biológica, y PSUKE alma, voluntad, la esencia de la persona. Lo que vive después de la muerte física.
13 Nadie tiene mayor amor (AGAPE) que este, que uno ponga su vida (PSUKE) por sus amigos. Jesús su PSUKE puso por vos. Que pones tu por El???
Que clase de amor tenes tu hoy? Por tu esposa/o? Por tus “amigos”? Por Dios? Sois amigo de Dios? El te considera tu amigo?
Dios te bendiga, Pr. Tim Kunkel 0971 506 401

Sunday, July 12, 2009




PTL! Today we saw 3!! more baptisms in our of our house churches! Ricky, Leticia, and Andrea all took this GIANT STEP forward. Their testimonies and decisions are powerful! We had about 40 or so present for this monumental day! The water was cold, and the temperature was about 50degrees Farenheit, but their hearts were warmed as the followed the Lord in this so important step. Lets continue to Pray for Pastor David Barudy, and these folks. Please pray for me as I continue to mentor Them.

Blessings, Tim and Iracema Kunkel

Gracias a Dios! Hoy vimos mas 3!! bautismos en una de nuestras iglesias, ROCA DE LA SALVACION. Ricky, Leticia, y Andrea todos tomaran este paso de la fe, tan importante. Sus decisiones y testimonios era poderosos. Tuvimos unos 40 presentes para los cultos. El agua estava fria, y la temperatura era de unos 15 grados centigrados., pero sentieron el calor de Dios en sus corazones, al seguir al Senior en este paso tan transendental. Oremos por el Pastor David Barudy y su famiia, y toda esta gente. Ore por mi, en este processo del mentoreo de ellos. Bendecciones,

Pr Tim y Iracema Kunkel

Sunday, July 5, 2009

2nd year anniversary of LA ROCA CHURCH, CDE, PARAGUAY

It was a rainy night. I had just been out to visit two sick young men, at the home of one of our members. I came home and finally drifted off to sleep about 11;00 PM. At 02;30 I was awoken with water dripping on my head. Strong rain was hitting our 19th floor apt. outside wall, and that dumb crack was leaking again! I got out of bed and scooted the bed over about 3 feet to the left with my sleeping bride in it. ANOTHER DAY ON THE MISSION FIELD OF PARAGUAY was about to begin!!

I tried to get back to sleep, but the DRIP, DRIP!!! DRIPPPPPP!!!!!!!! of the water hitting into several buckets about 4 feet from my head was a little too much!

About 04;30 I gave up and got up. I made coffee and looked over my day, my sermon, notes and did my quiet time. The rain steadily fell!!! How were we going to be able to have our outside house church service?? I wondered??? LORD WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME, I prayed???

About 0630 the owner of the house we meet in called me to tell me that his wife had given birth that night. Did he want to cancel the service?? I wondered… OF COURSE NOT!! It was our 2nd year anniversary. The “fatted calf”, so to speak had been slain, and prepared ( really consisting of delicious finger foods, a cake, etc.) ON WITH THE SERVICE!

We got there and I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!! In the cold and rain we had 32!! people show up. We had a 3 hour service, many testimonies, and even a baptism, in a freezing cold swimming pool. It was one of the BEST services we have EVER HAD in our new house church!! See pics. GOD IS GOOD AND IS WORKING HERE!! To HIM, be all the glory,

Respectfully submitted,

Tim and Iracema Kunkel July 5th, 2009

Tiago Goncalez Minelli, Born 7/5/2009
Second son of the owners of the house we meet in.

Felix Serano, baptized 7/5/2009

LA ROCA, 2 year anniversary of its founding. Added 6 members today.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Spanish Bulletin 2nd Year anniversary of LA ROCA

2ndo Aniversario de Fundación.

Hoy celebramos nuestro segundo año de existencia. Hasta aquí nos ha ayudado Jehová! (1 Samuel 7:12). Parece que fue apenas meses atrás que comenzamos la iglesia en CDE, y que tuvimos nuestro culto inicial con bautismos y la cena del Señor en la ex casa de los hermanos Elvio y Carla. Aquel día histórico nos colocamos las bases con 7 miembros iniciales, dos bautizados aquel mismo día! Hemos tenido altos y bajos. Algunos han quedado por el camino. Uno de nuestros miembros esta en Brasil; otros en Argentina. Nuestra concurrencia ha sido m/m de 30 personas. Hemos tenido reuniones con hasta casi 80 personas. No hemos buscado miembros de otras iglesias. Hemos tenido hasta la fecha solamente una persona que ha pedido membresía en LA ROCA que era ya de una iglesia Evangélica en el pasado. Nuestra meta fue, y es, de ganar almas nuevas para el Señor; de ver vidas realmente cambiadas por el PODER del Evangelio. Hemos visto grandes antes/y después (s), en la vida de muchas personas. Personas que antes caminaban en tinieblas, ahora andan en la maravillosa luz!! (Ef). 5:8. A Dios sea la gloria.

Hemos invertido MUCHO tiempo en formar lideres, y en el discipulado de 1/1. Hemos pasado con algunos de UDS. mas que 100 horas en instrucción 1/1 en la Palabra de Dios, y en discipulado individual. El tiempo se aproxima para que UDS comienzan a reproducir; de tener sus propios bebés espirituales; su propios discípulos, de no tomar mas leche, de comer carne; de comenzar ganar y discipular nuevos para Cristo. Cuando este proceso comienza de verdad una iglesia comienza a crecer y expandirse. UD esta dispuesto a ser un vaso útil en las manos de Dios?

Hoy quisiera notar algunas de nuestras creencias fundamentales, y hacer un balance:

ECCLESIOLOGIA: Una iglesia es; 1) un grupo de personas regeneradas, y bautizados subsecuentemente a este evento, de conversión individual, que se reúnen regularmente para alabar y servir en conjunto a Dios. 2) Tienen una pasión para ganar otros a Cristo; quieren que otros experimenten la misma transformación que ellos han experimentado. 3) Tienen alguien que ellos consideran su líder, que les lidera. Esta persona puede ser egresada o no egresado de una institución formal de enseñanza teológica. 4) Ellos comparten las dos ordenanzas que el Señor JC dejó; El Bautismo por inmersión, y la Cena del Señor. Teniendo esto hay IGLESIA del Señor presente. Este concepto es Bíblico; Nótense que en el NT no hubo templos. Los hermanos se reunían en las casas. El 1r templo no se construyo hasta siglos después de esto! La iglesia ╪ un edificio; la iglesia somos nosotros; los discípulos reunidos del Señor JC.

Una iglesia Bautista se gobierna localmente; es autónomo: se administra por si mismo, sus asuntos internos, y se asocia voluntariamente con iglesias hermanas. Coopera con otras iglesias Bautistas para la expansión del Reino de Dios, especialmente a através de las misiones locales, y foráneas. Más que 300 iglesias Bautistas trabajando juntos en todo Paraguay, mucho pueden hacer! Es por esto que desde nuestros orígenes hemos dado casi el 50% de nuestras entradas a la obra misionera.

Miembros nuevos. Hoy tenemos para presentar a la iglesia 5 miembros nuevos. Cuatro provienen de una sola familia Bautistas desde ya hace muchos años. Otro es una persona que hace unos meses rededicó su vida a Cristo. Con dos de estas personas me reúno semanalmente para hacer discipulado/mentoreo. Con alegría vamos a recibir estos hermanos como miembros de la iglesia LA ROCA. Otro se va en este día ser bautizado. Félix tomo una decisión por Cristo hace unos meses y ha completado un curso de discipulado. Vamos recibirle como nuevo hermano de la fe con mucha alegría!

Iglesia hermana. Hemos estado involucrándonos en el comienzo de una nueva iglesia hermana, llamada ROCA de La Salvación. El pastor de esta iglesia, que también se reúne en una casa del barrio San Miguel, Arcángel, es David Barudy. David y su preciosa familia, están luchando para establecer una casa del Señor en aquel lugar cerca del Mercado de Abasto, de tantas necesidades. En los domingos que no tenemos cultos en LA ROCA, vamos ir allá a darles una mano, OK? Llegando a la cancha de futbol, EL CARDUMEN, doble hacia al río una cuadra larga. En la 1ª esquina a su izquierda hay una casa blanca con rejas color crema. Allá se reúnen, cada domingo, hora 0900.
El celular del Pastor es: 0982 781240. También para los jóvenes ellos tienen una reunión juvenil, cada sábado, hora 19;00.

Hermanos, se ha hecho mucho, en estos dos años. Pero hay MUCHO MAS PARA HACER. Puede el Señor contar contigo? Puede su iglesia y pastor contar contigo? Sigamos adelante!

Les amamos,

Pr Timoteo e Iracema
Fil. 1:6

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Dear friends, family and prayer partners,

We wanted to take some time today to connect with you all. We are fine. After a lot of travels we are back in our home in Paraguay. We were in Buenos Aires Argentina, for 2 days and then winged our way north to the USA, where our first priority was to be at our son JOHN GLENN’S graduation from Cal Baptist U, in Riverside. This was May 2nd. We made this, and it was GREAT to be there and cheer him on. He graduated with a double major, in Pol. Sci., and Philosophy. He graduated with HONORS! We are proud of him. GREAT JOB JOHN!! If you’d like to write him, his email is “Snail mail” is:


He is already applying to the MA in Public Administration program at CBU and plans to begin this fall. He is living on campus for the summer, but needs to find more permanent housing. Please pray that the Lord will provide this for him, soon! He can pay some rent but would like a house sharing situation, where he can do some chores for part of his keep. If you know of a situation like this please let him know. 951 660 3083

We also spent some time with my (Tim’s) parents. They are not doing too well physically. My dad is 81, and will turn 82 in a couple of weeks. My mom is 77. She is suffering from kidney troubles, and is near to the point where she may need dialysis. Please pray that the Lord will undertake in this regards, so that this condition may be reversed. My dad has had a couple of heart procedures and is quite frail. Please pray for them!

While I was in the USA part of what I did was to promote the partnership that we have with the DELTA VALLEY SB ASSOCIATION, located in the Stockton area. We have a 3 year partnership with these fine folks. We plan to receive them here in Cuidad del Este Paraguay, 6 times in the next 3 years. They will help us in evangelism, Scripture distribution, and some social ministry projects. We were able to share in one of their churches and spend time with their Director of Missions, Jerry Yates and his wife Linda. They also gave us a suitcase of “goodies”, and for this we are most grateful.

Iracema and Steven then went to Norfolk VA, where they spent a week with Jason, and Julia. They had a great time. While there Iracema and Steven shared in one of our partner churches, London Bridge Baptist Church, who last year sent a volunteer group to help us here in the work. We so appreciate these fine folks as well, and all they have done to help us here. During this time Iracema and Julia could spend mother’s day together for the first time in MANY years. Julia is teaching spec. ed., in a middle school. Jason, is doing a fine job as a mortgage broker. We are so proud of them.

I did not make the trip east, as I had been with Julia and Jason, a few months before. I did however, during this week, go to WA State where we have many friends and two churches with whom we have CLOSE ties. I preached two revivals/missions conferences at these churches. How good it was to reconnect with these kind folks. Many made professions of faith, and rededicated their lives to Christ. One of them, at least, has already been baptized. To God be the Glory!

We got back to Paraguay, and were home just a few hours before we had to travel to a Bible Conference in Brazil. Here we shared with folks from all over South America, and I (Tim), led in the daily Bible devotions for the folks. It was a great experience to be at this conference.

Now we are back, and caught up, and into the fill swing of things again. We spent a good part of last week in the capital, to get our permanent residency cards. This has been a 3!! year process, but we are now at the end of the same. This is a GREAT ANSWER to prayer… We have now been here almost three years. We have been on the mission field almost 20 years. God has been so good and faithful to us. Thanks for your prayers and support through your giving to the LMCO, and the CP. That is what has sustained us, and almost 5400 other SBC missionaries doing this work of missions and church planting outside of the USA. We are seeing much fruit of our labors and without you all! we could not do this. Thanks again.

Steven is doing well. He is in his 2nd semester of university online. He is doing great. He is also in a Japanese school three days a week, and is becoming quite fluent in spoken and written Japanese. If you would like to write him, his email is, He is also on FACEBOOK, as am I, Tim. If you are on facebook, this is a good way to get frequent update from us, and our prayer requests.

The work here goes well. We are seeing some miraculous conversions. We are also seeing people that make initial decisions, then after counting the costs shrinking back. There are many peer and familily pressures that go against people making a commitment to Christ and then following through with it. We are about starting or facilitating a network of houses churches here in EAST PARAGUAY. We are calling it LA ROCA, THE ROCK. We have two house groups now meeting, and a nucleus of about 60 folks that meet regularly. We are now in the winter here, and it is quite cold, (about 50 or so, in the mornings), when we meet outside in the garage, or varanda of a house. So it is a challenge. So please do pray for us.


-For Iracema’s 95 year old mother Ruth. She is in great health.

For Iracema’s sister Suely who is the main caregiver to Ruth.

-For my two sisters, Suzanne, and Sharon, as they look after my parents. Both of them work full time, and do what they can to help our parents. I am most grateful for what they do for them.

-For the couples we are working with here in the house churches; Pablo and Olga,
Alipio and Olga, Elbio and Carla, Natalia, and David, and Martin and Elsa. Pray that they would form strong families.

-For the youth of our church, especially Jose, Alcides, Norma, Lucas, Alberto, and Elizabeth. Also for Steven as he leads music, in one of the house churches.

-For Cepherino and Celia, who looked to be so promising, and with whom we worked so much, who have fallen away. Pray that they would be convicted and return!

-For Marlene, and her two children. She lost her husband this week in an HORRIFIC plane crash. I led him to the Lord about 2.5 months ago. His name was Clevio. It greatly affected me to see this vibrant, 45 year old man, with so many plans, projects and such a FUTURE snuffed out in a ball of flames. Only the Lord knows why he allowed this. Pray for us as we minister to this family and the others who live in the gated community where he lived, in the aftermath of this event.

-For David, Natalia, and Victor, the pastoral family of the second of the house churches. They have about 25 or so now coming, and a lot of youth. Pray for them as they balance all the demands of being a bi vocational family of church planters. Pray for us, as we mentor this couple.

- For our safety. This is a dangerous place and we must be vigilant, in every way.

-For us to be bold witnesses for the Lord. With the Apostle Paul we would ask that you pray for us, so that whenever we open our mouths words may be given us, so that we will fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel, for which we are ambassadors. Pray that we might declare it fearlessly as we should… ( Ef. 6:19-20). For a great and effective door is open before us, but there are adversaries. 1 Cor. 16;9. Pray that we might be STEADFAST, unmovable ALWAYS abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing well that our labor for HIM is not in vain. ( I Cor. 15: 58). This is our pray for all of you, as well.

Love in Christ,

Tim, Iracema, and THE ENTIRE KUNKEL family Facebook,; find us using this email…
The Broken ColumnAugust 4th, 1861byC. H. SPURGEON(1834-1892)
"And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee: but—."—Luke 9:61.
When you have walked through a cemetery, you have frequently seen over a grave a broken column, intended to memorialize the death of some one who was taken away in the prime of manhood, before as yet his life had come to its climax. I shall take that picture of the broken column to represent my text. It is a broken text. You expected me to go on and to conclude the sentence: I have broken it off abruptly. That broken column shall also represent the broken resolutions of full many who were once in a hopeful state. As if prepared to witness a good profession, they said, "Lord, I will follow thee," when there came a heavy blow from the withering hand of sin; and the column was broken short with a "but." So let my text stand. I will not finish it. But so let not your determination stand. The Lord grant by his effectual grace that while you mourn with sincere grief the grave of many a fair resolve which never attained the maturity of true discipleship—cut off with the fatal "but" of indecision, you may now be quickened to newness of life. Thus you shall come to the fullness of the stature of a man in Christ. Thus, as a building fitly framed together and growing to completeness, you shall be made meet for a habitation of God through the Spirit."Lord, I will follow thee: but—." How remarkably does Scripture prove to us that the mental characteristics of mankind are the same now as in the Savior's day! We occasionally hear stories of old skeletons being dug up which are greater in stature than men of these times. Some credit the story, some do not, for there be many who maintain that the physical conformation of man is at this day just what it always was. Certainly, however, there can be no dispute whatever among observant men as to the identity of the inner nature of man. The gospel of Christ may well be an unchanging gospel, for it is a remedy which has to deal with an unaltering disease. The very same objections which were made to Christ in the days of his flesh are made to his gospel now. The same effects are produced under the ministry of Christ's servants in these modern times as were produced by his own ministry. Still are the promised hopes which make glad the preacher's heart, blasted and withered by the same blights and the same mildews which of old withered and blasted the prospects of the ministry during our Lord's own personal sojourn in the world. Oh! what hundreds, nay, what myriads of persons have we whose consciences are aroused, whose judgments are a little enlightened, and yet they vacillate—they live and die unchanged. Like Reuben, "unstable as water, they do not excel." They would follow Christ, but something lies in the way: they would join with him in this generation, but some difficulty suggests itself: they would enter the kingdom of heaven, but there is a lion in the street. They lie in the bed of the sluggard instead of rising up with vigor and striving to enter in at the strait gate. May the Holy Ghost in all the plenitude of his power be with us this morning, so that while I shall deal with the character indicated by the text, He may deal with the conscience of those assembled. I can merely attempt what He can effectually perform. I can but speak the words; it is for Him to draw the bow, fit the arrow to the string, and send it home between the joints of the harness. May some who have been in the state of those described by the text be brought to-day to solemn consideration, and to a serious decision through the Holy Spirit of God.Three things we would labor to do. First of all, let us endeavor to expose your excuses, "Lord, I will follow thee, but—." Secondly, I will try to expose the ignorance which lies at the bottom of the objection which you offer. Then, thirdly, in the most solemn manner, would I endeavor to bring before your mind's eye, O ye who vacillate like Felix, your sin and your danger, that your "buts" may now be put away—that your profession may be made with unfaltering tongue—that you may henceforth, in very deed, follow Christ whithersoever he goeth.I. First, then, TO EXPOSE YOUR OBJECTIONS.I cannot tell man by man, what may be the precise let that causes you to draw back, but perhaps, by giving a list, I may be directed to describe full many a case exactly, and with precision. Some there be who say, and seem very sincere in the utterance, "Lord, I would be a Christian, I would believe in thee, and take up thy cross and follow thee, but my calling prevents it. Such is my state of life that piety would be to me an impossibility. I must live, and I cannot live by godliness, therefore I am to be excused for the present from following Christ. My position is such in trade, that I am compelled by its practices to do many things which would be utterly inconsistent with the life of Christ in my soul. I know that I have been called to be where I am, but it is a position which renders my salvation hopeless; if I were anything but what I am, or anywhere but where I am, I might follow Christ, but under existing circumstances, it is far beyond my power." Let me answer that excuse of yours, and show how idle it is. Man! would you make God the author of sin? And yet if you are prepared to say that God has put you in the calling where you are, and that that calling absolutely necessitates sin, do you not perceive that you make the sin to be rather God's than yours? Are you prepared to be so blasphemous as that? Will you bring the tricks of your trade, your dishonesties, and your sins, and say, "Great God, thou hast compelled me to do this? "Oh! methinks you cannot have so hardened your brow until it has become like flint. Surely you have some conscience of rectitude left, and if you have, your conscience will respond to me when I say you know you are speaking that which is false. God has not put you where you are compelled to sin, and if you have put yourself there, what ought you to do but to leave that place at once. Surely the necessity to sin, if it arise from your own choice, doth but render your sin the more exceeding sinful. "But," you reply, "I will confess, then, that I have put myself there by choice." Then I say again, if you have chosen so ill a trade that you cannot live by it honestly, in the fear of God, and in obedience to his precepts, you have made an ill and wicked choice; at all hazards—for the salvation of your soul rests on it—give it up, though it be the renouncing of every worldly prospect. Though wealth be all but in your grasp, unless you would grasp damnation and inherit everlasting wrath, you must renounce it, and renounce it now. Scarcely, however, can I credit that such is the fact, for in all callings, except they be in themselves positively unlawful, a man may serve God. Perhaps the most difficult post for a Christian to occupy is the army, and yet have we not seen,—and do we not see at this day—men of high and exemplary piety, men of undoubted and pre-eminent godliness, who are still in the ranks and are soldiers of Christ? With the example of Colonel Gardner in years gone by, of Hedley Vicars, and Havelock in these modern times, I will not, I dare not take your excuse, nor do I think your conscience would permit it, but if, while the temptations are strong, and your strength is small, you really think that there you cannot serve God, then resign your commission, give it up; it were better for you to enter into life poor and penniless, and without fame or honor, than having glory, and pomp, and wealth, to enter into hell fire. After all, to come nearer to the point, is it your occupation at all? Is it true? Is it not your sin that has made your "but," and not your calling? Be honest with yourself, sir, I pray you. You say that your calling throws temptations in your way: be it so? Do not other men avoid the temptations, and because they hate sin, being taught of God the Holy Spirit, are they not able, even in the midst of temptation, to keep themselves unspotted from the world? It is, then, in your case not necessity, but wilfulness, that makes you continue impious and impenitent. Put the saddle on the right horse; put it not where it should not be, take it home to yourself. There is no objection in the calling, unless, again I repeat it, it be an objectionable calling; the root and real cause of your hardness of heart against Christ is in yourself and yourself alone. You are willingly in love with sin, it is not in your calling in providence."Yes, but," saith another, "if it be not in our calling, yet in my case it is my peculiar position in providence. It is all very well for the minister, who has not to mingle with daily life, but can come up into his pulpit and pray and preach, to make little excuse for men; but I tell you, sir, if you knew how I was situated, you would say that I am quite excusable in postponing the thoughts of God and of eternity. You do not know what it is to have an ungodly husband, or to live in a family where you cannot carry out your convictions without meeting with persecution so ferocious and so incessant, that flesh; and blood cannot endure it." "Besides," says another, "I am just now in such a peculiar crisis, it may be I have got into it by my sin, but I feel I cannot get out of it without sin. If I were once out of it, and could start again, and stand upon a new footing, then I might follow Christ, but at the present time there are such things in the house where I live, such circumstances in my business, there are such peculiar trials in my family, that I think I am justified in saying, 'Go thy way this time, when I have a more convenient season I will send for thee.'" Ah! but, my friend, is this the truth? Let me put it to you in other words than you have stated it. You say, if you follow Christ you will be persecuted. And does not the Word of God tell you the same? And is it not expressly said, "He that taketh not up his cross and followeth not after me cannot be my disciple?" Did not the apostle say, "He that will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution?" What! is nature to be changed for you? Must the apostles and the martyrs endure and suffer great things, and are the little trials that you have to bear to be valid excuses for you? No, by that host who waded through slaughter to a throne—the slaughter of themselves,—no, by the men who wear the crowns which they have won on racks and stakes I pray you do not think that this shall be any excuse for you at God's great day. Or if you think that it be an excuse that is valid for you now, remember, if you reject Christ you reject the crown. If you cannot bear the reproach of Christ, neither shall you have Christ's riches. If you will not suffer with him, neither shall you reign with him. You say that your circumstances compel you to sin, or else you would get into a world of trouble. And what do you mean by this, but that you prefer your own case to the Master's service? You have made this your God. Your own emoluments, your own aggrandizement, your own rest and luxury, you have set these up in preference to the command of the God that made you. O sir, do but see the thing in its true light! You have put yourself where the Israelites put the golden calf, and you have bowed down and you have said, "These be thy gods, O Israel!" To these you have offered your peace offerings. Oh, be not deceived! "If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." "He that would save his life shall lose it, but he that will lose his life for Christ's sake shall save it." Away, then, with these excuses about your circumstances; it is an idle one, and will not endure the light of the day of judgment."Yes," says another, "I would follow Christ; I have often felt inclinations to do so; and I have had some longings after better things: but the way of Christ is too rough for me. It demands that I should give up pleasures which I really love. I know if I should promise to give them up, I should go back to them very soon. I have tried, but they are too much for me. I did not think at one time that I was so thoroughly chained to them. But, when I tried to break away, I found the chains were not as I thought they were—of silk, but of iron, of triple steel. I cannot, sir, I tell you plainly, I cannot. If to be saved requires me to give up my worldly amusements, I cannot do it." Well, sir, I reply, you have spoken with the candour of an honest man. But, will you please to understand the bargain a little more clearly. Remember, soul, when you say, "I cannot give up the world" you have said, "I cannot be saved, I cannot escape from hell, I cannot be a partaker of the glories of heaven." You have preferred the dance to the entertainment of glory; you have preferred the revelling merriments at midnight to the eternal splendours of the throne of God. You have in cool blood—now mark it, you have in cool blood, determined to sell your soul for a few hours of giddiness, a little season of mirth. Look it in the face, and God help you to understand what you have done. If Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, what have you done? Lift up your eyes to heaven, behold the golden harps, and listen to the harmony of the glorious song, and then say, "But I prefer thy music, O earth, to this." Look yonder to the golden streets, and the joy and the bliss which await the true believer, and then coolly write it down, and say, "I have chosen the casino, I have preferred the house of sin to this." Look up and behold the draughts of joy that await believers, and then go to the tavern and sit down in the tap room, and say, "I have preferred the enjoyments of intoxication to the mirth of eternity." Come, I say sir, do look it in the face, for this is what you have done, and if, after weighing the two things in the scales together, you find that the momentary enjoyments of the flesh are to be preferred to the eternal weight of glory which God hath reserved for them that love him, then choose them. But if it be nothing in comparison with eternity; if the flesh be but dross in comparison with the spirit, if this world be emptiness when compared with the world to come, then reverse your foolish decision. May God the Holy Ghost make you wise. The only wise God choose your inheritance for you."Oh," says another, "but it is not exactly my pleasures; for I have found no pleasure in sin. It is some time since iniquity ministered pleasure to me; I have drunk the top of the cup. The froth I have already daintily sipped, but now I have come to the dregs."—I know I am speaking to some men to-day, in this very state.—"I have jaded myself," says such-an-one "in the race of pleasure; I have exhausted my powers of enjoyment, and yet though the wine yields no lusciousness to my taste, I drink, for I cannot help it; and though lust affords me no longer any exquisite delight, still impelled as by some secret force, I am driven to it. From old habit it has become a second nature with me, and I cannot, I have tried, I have tried awfully and solemnly, I cannot—I cannot break it off. I am like a man whose boat is taken up by the rapids. I have pulled against the stream with both my arms, till the veins start like whip-cords to my brow, and the blood starts from my nose in agony of vigor, and yet I cannot reverse the stream; nor can I set my boat's head against it. I can see the precipice; I can hear the roaring of the dashing water as it leaps the cascade, and I am speeding on swifter, and swifter, and swifter, till my very blood boils with the tremendous vehemence of my crimes; I am speeding onward to my merited damnation."Ah, man! yours is a solemn "BUT" indeed. If I thought you meant it all, I would rather speak to you words of encouragement than of warning. For remember this, when you are ready to perish God is ready to save. And when our power is gone, then the plaintive cry, "Lord, save, or I perish," wrung from a despairing heart, shall reach the ears of the Most High, and he that delighteth in mercy shall stretch out his arm to save. There is hope, there in hope for thee yet. What! is the boat's bow already out of the water, and does she seem to leap like a live thing into the midst of the spray? O Eternal God, thou canst save him yet. Thou canst come from above, and take him out of the deep waters, and pluck him out of the billows that are stronger than he. Yet say now, is this just as you have described it? I fear lest perhaps you make "cannot" only a substitute for "will not." Do you not love those ways of the transgressor? Can you honestly say you loathe them? I do not believe you can. Remember the dreadful alternative. When you say I cannot renounce these things, and will not look to God to enable you to do it; you have said, "I cannot escape from the flames of hell; I cannot be rescued from the wrath to come; I am damned." You have, in fact, forestalled your own doom. That awful sentence you have pronounced upon yourself. You have sat in judgment on your own soul, put on the black cap, and read out your own sentence; you have put yourself upon the death-cart; you have adjusted the rope about your own neck, and you are about to draw the bolt and be your own executioner. Oh! weigh your words, and measure your acts, and wake up to a consciousness of what you are about. Do not take the leap in the dark. Look down the chasm first, and gaze a moment at the jagged rocks beneath which soon you must lie a mangled corpse. Now, ere you drink the cup, know the poison that is in the button of it; make sure of what you are doing, and if you are determined that you will clasp your sins with the spasmodic and terrific grasp of a dying, drowning man. Then grasp thy sins and lose thy soul; then keep thy sins, and be thou damned! Hold fast to thine iniquities, and be dashed for ever from the presence of the Eternal One. If it be horrible to hear, how much more horrible to do. If it be dreadful to speak, how much more solemn to perform in cold blood that which our lips have spoken. "But," saith another, "that is not my case. I can say I will follow Christ, but I am of such a volatile, changeable disposition that I do not think I ever shall fulfill my purpose. When I heard you preach a few sabbaths ago, sir, I went home to my chamber, and I shut the door and I prayed. But, you know, some acquaintance called in; he took me away, and soon every good thought was gone. Often have I sat shivering in the pew while the Word of God has been quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of my joints and marrow, being a discerner of the thoughts and intents of my heart, but the world comes in again; so that I seem sometimes as if I were almost a saint, and then again, the next day I am almost a fiend. Sometimes I think I could do anything for Christ, and the next day I do everything for the world. I promise but I do not perform; I vow and break my vows; I am like the smoke from the chimney—soon blown away and my good resolutions are like a morning cloud, they are there but for the morning, and soon they are gone." Well, certainly you have described a case which is too frequent. But will you allow me to put that also in a true and scriptural light? Soul, dost thou know thou hast played with heaven? Thou hast made game of eternity, thou art like those men in the parable of whom it is said "they made light of it." Thou hast thought that the things of this world are more engrossing, to thee than the things of the world to come. Thou art perhaps less excusable then any other, for thou knowest the right and doest it not, thou seest thy sin, and yet thou clingest to it; thou perceivest thy ruin, and yet thou goest onwards towards it; thou hast had wooings of love, thou hast had warnings of mercy, and yet thou hast shaken all these off. Oh remember that text, "He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy." "Because I have called," saith God, "and ye refused, I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity, I will mock when your fear cometh." You may perhaps soon be given up to a seared conscience. The Word may be powerless upon you. You may become hardened and desperate, and then, ah! then, not the devils in hell are in a more hopeless condition than thou shalt be.I have thus gone through the most prominent excuses which men make for scattering from themselves those good thoughts which sometimes seek to get possession of their hearts. "I will follow thee Lord, but—." I cannot of course point out the distinct persons in this large assembly who are in this condition. That there are such is certain. I pray God the Holy Spirit to find them out, and make them judge themselves that they be not judged.II. I shall now come to the second part of my discourse. May the Lord be our helper. Soul, thou who sayest, "I will follow Christ, but—," I now come to EXPOSE THINE IGNORANCE AND THE ILL STATE OF THY HEART.Soul! thou hast as yet no true idea of what sin is. God the Holy Spirit has never opened thine eyes to see what an evil and bitter thing it is to sin against God, or else there would be no "buts." Picture a man who has lost his way, who has sunk into a slough; the waters and the mire are come up to his very throat. He is about to sink in it, when some bright spirit comes, stepping over the treacherous bog, and puts forth to him his hand. That man, if he knows where he is, if he knows his uncomfortable and desperate state, will put out his hand at once. You will not find him hesitating with "buts," and "of," and "peradventures." He feels that he is plunged into the ditch, and would come out of it. And you apparently are still in the wilderness of your natural state. You have not yet discovered what a fool might see, though a wayfaring man, that sin is a tremendous evil, that thy sin is all destructive, and will yet swallow thee up quick and utterly destroy thy soul. I know that when God the Holy Spirit tell me to see the blackness of sin, I did not need any very great pressing to be willing to be washed. My only question was, "Would Christ wash me?" Ask any poor penitent sinner that knows what the burden of sin is, whether he will have it taken off his shoulders, and he will not say, "I would have it taken off; but—." No, he will need but the very mention of the removal of his load; "Lord," saith he, "do but take it away from me: do but take it away, and I am well content."Again: soul, it seems plain to me that thou hast never yet been taught by the Holy Spirit what is thy state of comdemnation. Thou hast never yet learnt that the wrath of God abideth on thee. So long as thou art out of Christ, thou art under a curse. If that word "condemnation" had once been rung in thine ears, thou wouldst have no ifs and buts. When a man's house is on fire, and he stands at the window, and the fire escape is there and his hair begins to be crisp with the hot tongues of fire that scorch his cheeks, he has no "buts" about it, but down the escape he goes at once. When Lot began to see the fiery shower coming down from heaven, he had no "buts" about making the best of his way out of the city and escaping to the mountains. And you, O may God the Holy Ghost show to you, sinner, where you are to-day! Oh that he would make you know that your sentence is pronounced, that God's messengers are out after you to take you to prison. Then you will leave off your "buts," your presences, and excuses, and you will say, "Lord, what wouldst thou have me to do? "And be it what it may, your soul will make no demurs about it.Surely, methinks you cannot have felt the danger you are in of daily destruction. If you have not felt that, I do not think the Spirit of God has ever come into your soul after a real and saving fashion. You have no proof that you are one of Christ unless you have felt the danger of your natural state. Do you see there?—there is a scaffold raised; a man is brought out to execution,—there is the block and here stands the headsman with his sharp gleaming axe, gleaming in the morning sun. The man has just laid his neck upon the block in the little hollow place shaped out for it; there he lies, and the headsman has just lifted up the axe to cleave his head from his body As that man lies there, if a messenger should come from the king and say, "Here is a pardon, will you accept it?" do you believe he would say, "I will accept it, but—? No, springing up from what he thought would be his last resting place, he would say, "I thank his majesty for his abundant grace, and cheerfully do I rejoice in accepting it." You cannot have known where you are, or else "but" would be impossible to you. Such is your state, remember, whether you know it or not: you put your neck upon the block of insensibility, but the axe of justice is ready to smite you down to hell. The Lord help you to see your state and put the "buts" away from you.It seems to me, too, that you are ignorant altogether of what the wrath of God must be in the world to come. Oh! could I take you to that place where hope has ever been a stranger: if you could put your ear a moment to the gratings of those gloomy dungeons of which despair is the horrid warder—if I could make you listen to the sighs, the useless regrets, and the vain prayers of those who are cast away, you would come back affrighted and alarmed, and sure I am your "buts" would have been driven out of you. You would say, "Great God, if thou wilt but save me from thy wrath, do what thou wilt with me, I will make no conditions, I will offer thee no objections; if I must cut off my right arm, or pluck out my right eye, he it so, if from this place of woe thou wilt but save me. Oh! from this fire that never can he quenched, from this worm of endless folds which can never die, great God deliver me. If rough be the means, and unpleasant to the flesh, yet grant me but this one request,—save me, O God, save me from going down into the pit. "If a soul were just sinking to hell, and God could send some bright angel to pluck it from the flames just as it entered there, can you imagine its being so mad as to say, "I would be plucked as a brand from the burning, but—?" No, no. Glad to embrace the messenger of mercy, it would rejoice to fly from hell to heaven.Again, sinner, it seems clear to me, inasmuch as you say, "but," that you can have no idea of the glory of the person of Christ. I see you sitting down in your misery, in the bare uncomfortable cottage of your natural estate: yourself naked and filthy, with your hair matted over your eyes. Behold a bright chariot stays at your door, the sound of music is heard, and the King himself, stepping down from the chariot of his glory comes in, and he says, "Sinner, poor, hopeless, weak, miserable, look unto me and be thou saved. The chariot of my mercy awaits thee, come thou with me, my chariot is paved with love for such as thou art. Come with me, and I will bear thee to my splendours away from thy degradation and thy woe." You sit there and you will not look at him, for if you did look, you must love him. You could not behold his face, you could not see the mercy that is written there, the pity that trembles in his eye, the power that is in his arm, but you would say at once, "Jesu, thou hast overcome my heart, thy gracious beauty is more than a match for me.
"Dissolv'd by thy goodness I fall to the ground,And weep to the praise of the mercy I've found."What shall I say more? Yet this once again I will admonish thee. O thou procrastinating, objecting sinner, thou hast never known what heaven is, or else thou wouldst never have a "but." If you and I could peep but for an instant within the pearly gates; could you listen to that seraphic song; could you behold the joy which flows and overflows the bosoms of the blessed; could you but spell heaven, not in letters but in feelings; could you wear its crown a moment, or be girt about with its pure white garments, you would say, "If I must go through hell to reach heaven, I would cheerfully do it. What are ye, riches? ye are bubbles. What are ye, pomps? ye are drivelling emptinesses. What are ye, pleasures? ye are mocking, painted witcheries. What are ye, pains? ye are joys. What all be ye, sorrows? ye are but bliss. What are ye, tribulations? ye are lighter than feathers when I compare ye with this exceeding and eternal weight of glory. If we could have but a glimpse of heaven, but a shadow of an idea of what is the eternal rest of God's people, we should be prepared to endure all things, to give up all things, to bear all things, if we might but be partakers of the promised reward. Your "buts" betray your ignorance; your ignorance of self, ignorance of sin, ignorance of condemnation, ignorance of the punishment, ignorance of the Savior's person, and ignorance of the heaven to which he promises to being his people.III. Now, I have my last work to do, and that would I do briefly. Oh, may strength superior to mine come now, and tug, and strive, and wrestle with your hearts! May the Spirit of God apply the words which I shall now use! "Lord, I will follow thee: but—." Sinner, sinner, let me SHOW THEE THY SIN. When thou saidst, "But," thou didst contradict thyself. The meaning of that rightly read is this, "Lord, I will not follow thee." That "but" of thine puts the negative on all the profession that went before it. I wish, my hearers, that this morning you would either be led by grace to say, "I will believe, "or else were permitted honestly to see the depravity and desperate hardness of your own hearts so as to say, "I will not believe in Christ. "It is because so many of you are neither this nor that, but halting between two opinions, that you are the hardest characters to deal with. Sinners who reject Christ altogether wilfully are like flints. When the hammer of the Word comes against them, the flint gives forth the precious spark, and flies to atoms. But you are like a mass of wax moulded one day into one shape, and moulded the next day into another. I know a gentleman of considerable position in the world, who, after having been with me some little time, said, "Now that man is going away, and I shall be just what I was before;" for he had wept under the Word. He compared himself, he said, to a gutta-percha doll; he had got out of his old shape for a little while, but he would go back to what he was before. And how many there are of you of this kind. You will not say, "I will not have Christ," you will not say, "I will not think of these things." You dare not say, "I disbelieve the Bible," or, "I think there is no God, and no hereafter," but you say, "No doubt it is true, I'll think of it by-and-bye." You never will, sinner, you never will, you will go on from day to day, harping that till your last day shall come, and you will be found then where you are now, unless sovereign grace prevent. I could have more hope for you if you would say at once, "I love not God, I love not Christ, I fear him not, I desire not his salvation," for then methinks you would get an idea of what you are, and God the Spirit might bless it to you. Let me show you again your sin in another respect. How great has been your pride! When Christ bids you believe on him, take up his cross and follow him, he tells you to do the best thing you can do, and then you set up your judgment in contradiction to him. You say, "But." What! is Christ to mend his gospel by your whims? What! is the plan of salvation to be cut and shaped to suit you? Does not Christ know what is best for you, better than you do yourself? "Will you snatch from his hand the balance and the rod, rejudge his judgement, dictate to God, the Judge of all the earth? And yet this is what you attempt to do. You set up your throne in rivalry to the throne of grace, and insist upon it that there is more wisdom in being a sinner than in being a believer, that there is more happiness to be found apart from God than there is with him, which is to make God a hard Master, if not indeed to call him a liar to his face. Oh! you know not what is the quintessence of iniquity which lies within those words so easily spoken, but which will be so hard to get rid of on a dying bed—"I will follow thee, but—"I close when I have just, in a moment or so only, described your danger. Soul, thou art quieting thyself and saying, "Ah! it will be well with me at the last; for I intend to be better by-and-bye." Soul, soul, bethink thee how many have died while they have been speaking like that. There were put into the grave, during the past week, hundreds of persons, no doubt, who were utterly careless, but there were also scores who were not careless, and who had often been impressed, and yet they said "But, but, but," and promised better things, but death came in and their better things came not. And then, remember how many have been damned while they have been saying "But." They said they would repent, meanwhile they died. They said they would believe, meanwhile in hell they lifted up their eyes being in torments. They meant they said, but inasmuch as they did it not they came where their resolutions would be changed into remorse, and their fancied hopes turned into real despair. On such a subject as this I could wish Baxter were the preacher, and that I were the hearer. As I look around you, though there be full many who can read their title clear to mansions in the skies, yet along these pews what a considerable proportion there is of my hearers who are only deceiving their own selves! Well, sinners, I will make the road to hell as hard for you as I can. If you will be lost, I will put up many a chain and many a bar, and shut many a gate across your way. If you will listen to my voice, God helping me, you shall find it a hard way—that way of transgressors; you shall find it a hard thing to run counter to the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ. But why will ye die, O house of Israel, why will ye die? Where is your reason fled? Have beasts become men and men become beasts? "The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib," but ye know not. What! are you become like the silly sheep that goes willingly to his slaughter? Are the swallows and cranes more wise than you? for they know the senses and they judge the times, but you know not that your summer is almost over, that your leaves are falling in the autumn of your life, and that your dreary winter of despair and of hopelessness is drawing nigh. Souls, are these things fancies? If so, sleep while I preach of them. Are they dreams? Do I bring out these doctrines but as bugbears to alarm you as if you were some children in a nursery? No, but as God is true, are not these the most solemn realities that ever rested on the lip of man or moved the heart of hearer? Then why is it, why is it, why is it that you make light of these things still? Why is it that you will go your way to-day as you did before? Why will ye say, "Well, the preacher has warned me faithfully, and I will think of it, but—; I was invited and I will consider, but—; I did hear the warning, but—?" Ah, souls, while you shall be saying "But," there shall be another "But" go forth, and that shall be "But cut him down, why cumbereth he the ground?" Wake, vengeance, wake! The sinner sleeps. Pluck out thy sword, O Justice! let it not rest in its scabbard, come forth! Nay, nay, oh! come not forth devouring sword! oh, come not forth! O Justice, be thou still! O Vengeance, put away thy sword, and Mercy, reign thou still! "Today if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts as in the provocation," but if ye harden your hearts, remember he will swear in his wrath that ye shall not enter into his rest. Oh! Spirit of God, do thou the sinner turn, for without thee he will not turn; our voice shall miss its end, and he will not come to Christ.

Friday, June 5, 2009

We are proud of you John Glenn! Love Mom Dad, Julia, Jason and Steven

Boletín de Junio, 2009; Iglesia LA ROCA

Estamos de vuelta, después de casi 6 semanas fuera, tanto en los USA, en Brasil, y en Asunción. Llegamos de los estados Unidos, donde tuvimos una agenda muy apretada y frutífera, y el otro día partimos para una conferencia de 5 días en Brasil. Después estuvimos unos 3 días en casa y otra ves viajando a Asunción, para terminar la parte final de nuestra radicación en Paraguay. Ya somos residentes permanentes! Por este logro damos gracias a Dios…

En los Estados Unidos pudimos presenciar la graduación de nuestro hijo John Glenn. El se recibió de licenciado en dos áreas; Ciencias Políticas y Filosofía, con honra. A Dios sea la gloria! En Setiembre el plan de el es de comenzar su Master en Administración publica. Oren por el, por favor.

Steven e Iracema estuvieron en Virginia con Julia y Jason, y yo estuve predicando en estos días en la Costa Pacifica de los Estados Unidos. Compartí el Evangelio un total de 18 veces en este mes, y vimos muchas personas entregar sus vidas a Cristo. Iracema y Steven también compartieron 2x en la iglesia del Pastor Todd Ellis. (El estuvo aquí el año pasado, y ahora es casado con Kelly). Talvez en el año que viene nos van a visitar.

Supe de que tuvieron buen culto en nuestra ausencia, el mes pasado. Quiero agradecer a Elvio y Carla por su continua paciencia y generosidad en prestar este lugar para nuestro uso para las reuniones. También a Martín por la buena palabra que les compartió, y al hermano Heber quien nos ayudo con la música.

Evento para destacar: El próximo culto será un acto de celebración, por nuestro segundo aniversario de nuestra existencia, de la iglesia LA ROCA. Es difícil creer que hace 2 años comenzamos con un pequeño grupo de unas 10 personas. Dios nos ha bendecido, y queremos celebrar esto en el mes que viene! No falte para esta celebración tan importante. Posiblemente tendremos bautismos.

Que Dios les bendiga!

Les amamos,

Pr. Timoteo e Iracema

PD, Fechas a llevar en cuenta…Prójimos cultos, 5 de Julio, 09;00 Casa de Elvio y Carla, 2 de Agosto, Casa de Elvio y Carla, 6 de Setiembre, Casa de Elvio y Carla.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

sSpanish posting. Stewardship of all we have and are: La mayordomia de TODO lo que somos y tenemos


Intro: Muchas veces como pastor a través de los años, me han pedido que hable sobre la mayordomía. Siempre esto me deja un poco confuso. Porque peden a mi, que no soy su!! pastor, que yo!! hable de esto?? Porque el pastor de ELLOS? no les puede convencer que lo hagan? Y si ellos no puedan, o no han podido, aun, como lo haré yo, especialmente en 1-3 horas??? Cuando se habla de la mayordomía, en círculos evangélicos, normalmente se refiere a la administración del $; o de cómo animar a los que concurran, que den sus diezmos, y ofrendas. Pero será que es tan así? Para mí la mayordomía, se refiere Bíblicamente a TODO!! lo que nos concierne; nuestro cuerpo, nuestras posesiones, nuestras actitudes, decisiones, etc. Veamos esto en este libro precioso:

1. La Mayordomía del Cuerpo. Desde el cuero cabelludo, hasta las suelos de nuestros pies. Hagamos un paseo:

-Boca, labios; Vea, 4;24, 13;3, 15;1, = clave! 16;28, chismes, fofocas; 17;27, oír mucho, hablar poco, Nótense que tenemos una boca y 2 oídos! 18;7, 18;21, 20;15, 21;6, En la lengua hay poder para vida o muerte; lengua mentirosa. 21;23, GUARDE SU LENGUA!! Contrólela!! 25;11, 15, 26;4, 20, 23, labios lisonjeros, (flattering), muchas veces mencionado… 24;28, lengua falsa… 29;20.
-Oídos, oye, lo + no oye lo – Vea; 22;17, inclina tu oído. Preg; a que escuchas? A quien?? De quien tomas consejo? 23;19, 22 oye!!! 25; 12, 28;9, aparte los oídos, de algunos!
-Ojos, Vea. Especialmente 3;21, caps. 4-5. Esp. 4;25 y 6;25 = clave!! (Párpados!), no mire a la derecha ni a la izquierda, 23;26, Ojos altivos. Párpados, levantados! 30;13.
-Corazón: Que es ¿??
-Estomago. Apetitos, glotonería, vino, cerveza. Vea espec. 25;16; 31;4. El vino y la cerveza no son para los reyes y los príncipes. Preg. Queréis tu ser rey? Príncipe?
-Nuestro apetito sexual, y la parte de reproducción. Los consejos contra caer en adulterio, fornicacion, etc. Vea especialmente, Caps. 5-7; Preg. Cada niño nace porque Dios lo quiso? Hombre como co-creador con Dios.
-Pies: No te detén, no te acercas, a la ramera/adultera! 5;8, tiene boca suave y convenciente! No te vayas, ni cerca de ella! etc. MUCHOS consejos así. Vea espec. 1;15, 7;22, 14;16, el muchacho necio, se marchó atrás de ella como buey, al la muerte; no se detenga con los bebedores de vino, 14;6, huye del hombre necio!25;17, no quede demasiado en la casa de otro! Preg. Quien manda en tus pies? Illus. La canción…
Manos. Tener manos de un trabajador! Diligentes!!! Vea la comparación, de la diligencia, y la negligencia en Prov. El perezoso, que da vuelta en su cama como las bisagras de una puerta! 10;4, 24;30, CLAVE = 27;18, y 23. Conocer del estado de tus rebaños, cuide tus campos, olivares, etc., y así comerás pan y te saciaras! Vi los campos de un perezoso! Vea, 24;30-34. Preg. Como esta tu auto? Tus animales? Tu perro? Lo cuidas? La mujer virtuosa. Su manos no paren! 31;13, 16, 19, 27. No come el pan de balde.

11. La Mayordomía de la Parte No Material de lo que Somos.

Se lo llama Corazón, Espíritu, Alma, etc. en la Biblia. Clave: 4: 23. JC también habla mucho de esto. Vea espec. Mat. 12:34-35; 15:1-20!! No se corrompe a NO, los que comemos; las manos no lavadas, etc. Nos corrompe lo que ponemos en nuestro corazón, y lo que queda allí, y que después sale para fuera. Preg. Como entra en nuestra corazón, o alma estas cosas negativas o positivas? Illus. Los dos perros. Quien gana la batalla? Vea Ef. 4;20-32, y Gal. 5;16
Vea, esp. 4;23, 2;2, 21;2, 22;5, 23;19, 24;12, 26;24, 28;14, Todo aquí se refiere al corazón. Debemos cuidarlo, Dios lo pesa, lo escudriña, de el mana la vida! Debemos cuidar con que lo alimentamos; “Hijo mío, de mi tu corazón”! 3;26. A quien lo darás?
-Se lo podemos endurecer, ( 28;14),
-Al alma, debemos cuidarla, alimentarla, 22;5, 24;14,
-Debemos poner rienda en nuestro espíritu, domar nuestra lengua, cuidar nuestros labios, ver como respondemos a los demás. 16;32 = clave!, y 25:28
-Nótense que el hierro afila hierro. Con quien tu te estas afilando? A quien prestas cuentas? 27;17 = clave!
-La memoria!!! Illus; Entró y no sale nunca. Illus. Sabe todo lo de la FIFA y no sabe de memoria los 66 libros de la Biblia!
-Tiempo: Úselo bien! Úselo para adquirir sabiduría! No de tus años, tu fortuna, tus trabajos, a una extraña y sus familiares! 5;9! Illus. DPGS vea; 20;13,

111. La Mayordomía de las Actitudes.

-Envidia, 23;3,, 27;4, 13. Codicia, avaricia, amargura, voluntad; Vea, 1;10, Honor, buen nombre. Como lo protegemos. Votos; 2 que recomiendo a mis discípulos; (bebidas alcohólicas, y estar en situaciones comprometedoras con miembros del sexo opuesto, siendo casados). 5;9, 22;1 = clave… 27; 4, 28;16, 22, 15;18; Tardo para airarse. (Ira). 16;32, y 20;22, 29;11, No vengarse. Pensamientos puros. 21;4, 24;1. Enojo, 14;17, 28, 15;18, 16;32, 19;11; Ignorar ofensas.
-Ser dulce. Vea cuantas veces se habla de la mujer rencillosa!! 25;24, 19;13, 21;9, 27;15. Preg; donde encontrarás una buena novia? Novio? En la discoteca???
-Apetito sexual: Beba de tu propia cisterna! 5;15, 21 = Clave! Sáciate con tu!!! Esposo/a. Beba de tu!!! cisterna. “Quien halla esposa halla buena cosa, y obtiene favor de Dios”! 18;22; Alégrate con la mujer de tu juventud! 5;18; No des a la mujer extraña tu fuerza! 31;3; 5;9-11. Si no, tus fuerzas, honor y bienes van a pararse en casa de estraños! Quien frecuenta rameras, perderá sus bienes! 29;3. Illus. DPGS.
-Apetito físico; 23;1 Contrólate al sentar en una mesa! 25;16
-Ser humilde de espíritu! 29;23. “El que confia en Jehová será exaltado”. 29;25.

IV. La Mayordomía de las decisiones:

-Amistades: escoger bien tus amigos. 24;19, Dime con quien andas y te diré que sos! No te pares con los glotones, ni con los bebedores de vino. Cambie los demás, no deje que ellos te cambien a ti. Vea 11 Tim, 4;12, Vea Salmo 1. Uno para, se detiene, y participa en pecados ajenos. 12;1, No seguís vagabundos, necios, y fatuos; seguí sabios! 20;19, “No te ajuntes con el suelto de lengua.” Illus;. Usar folletos en tu bolso de la camisa, pulseras evangelisticas; sea contagioso/a con tu fe! Vence el mal, con el bien!! Rom. 12;21
-26;17. No te metas en pleitos ajenos!, 28;7, Elija bien tus batallas!
-CAMINE EN SABIDURA! 28;26. 17;18,
-$$ No salir de garantía! No pedir prestado. No preste! DE LO QUE PODES “PERDER”!!! 6;1, 11;;15, No fíe tu palabra! 28;8, no seas usurero. Pida a Dios ni riqueza ni pobreza. No seas sanguijuela! 30;8-9.
-19;17 Quien da al pobre presta a Dios!
-DEJE LAS BEBIDAS ALCOHOLICAS DE POR VIDA!!! 23;20, 23. Al lado de los tomadores de vino, hay, pleitos, ojos morados, ayes, rencillas, heridas de balde!!
Vea 20;1, 23;20, 29, 31;4-4, Gen. 9;21, Is 28;7, Hosea, 7;5.

V. La Mayordomía, de los Hijos, y de la Vara.

-El que sabe instruir/corregir su hijo, levantará hijos sabios, que le darán gozo y alegría en la vejez. Quien produce los sensatos? Buenos padres!! Y los necios, y los fatuos? MALOS PADRES!!! Dios nos da los hijos, como un pizarrón con poco o nada escrito en ella. Lo que se escribe en ella nosotros!! tenemos que controlar. Illus. Jóvenes con TV, y Internet en sus habitaciones; TV prendido en hogares 11 horas por día, Stats: 6-7 horas por día, los niños vean TV. Preg. Quien este instruyendo a ti? Quien instruirá tus hijos?
Vea; 17;21, 22;6, 23;24.

La Vara: Se habla mucho que el padre bueno, va a corregir su hijo; lo va a castigar. Se debe usar la corrección, no por errores, mas si! por rebelión. En castigar tu hijo, no lo matarás. Le salvarás del la muerte. Illus: Se veo mi hijo en un grupo que hace mal, a quien corrijo? Porque? Heb. 12:6. Hay peligro para ti, si haces el mal, y no sos corregido. Muestra que no sos hijo!! OJO!!
Vea 13;24, , 23;13, 26;3, 29;15, 17. El muchacho consentido…

CONCLUSION: Porque debemos seguir estos consejos? El que así anda hallara favor del y en el Señor! Será confianzudo como el león! 28;1, Tendrá hijos, sabios, tendrá descanso dulce, no le sacaran sus prendas, ni su cama, no repartirá con extraños, su fortuna, no va a tener embarazos no deseados, no tendrá pleitos, contiendas, efectos de las borracheras, no se endeudará, tendrá sus campos bien cuidados, y sus celeiros llenos, tendrá felicidad en el hogar, no tendrá enfermedades venéreas, no tendrá miedo, del esposo enfurecido, tendrá hijos prósperos, y sensatos, etc. etc.!!! Tendrá paz!!! Nótense. JEOVÁ ESTA MIRANDO! 24;18, OBSERVANDO! El ve, 15;3, El escudriña, el pesa los corazones!!! 21;27; Como estas tu? Como esta tu corazón, tu alma??? EL nos dará la victoria! 21;31

“Toda palabra de Dios es limpia, El es escudo a los que en El confían.” 30;5

Un Abrazo, Pr. Timoteo Kunkel