It was a rainy night. I had just been out to visit two sick young men, at the home of one of our members. I came home and finally drifted off to sleep about 11;00 PM. At 02;30 I was awoken with water dripping on my head. Strong rain was hitting our 19th floor apt. outside wall, and that dumb crack was leaking again! I got out of bed and scooted the bed over about 3 feet to the left with my sleeping bride in it. ANOTHER DAY ON THE MISSION FIELD OF PARAGUAY was about to begin!!
I tried to get back to sleep, but the DRIP, DRIP!!! DRIPPPPPP!!!!!!!! of the water hitting into several buckets about 4 feet from my head was a little too much!
About 04;30 I gave up and got up. I made coffee and looked over my day, my sermon, notes and did my quiet time. The rain steadily fell!!! How were we going to be able to have our outside house church service?? I wondered??? LORD WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME, I prayed???
About 0630 the owner of the house we meet in called me to tell me that his wife had given birth that night. Did he want to cancel the service?? I wondered… OF COURSE NOT!! It was our 2nd year anniversary. The “fatted calf”, so to speak had been slain, and prepared ( really consisting of delicious finger foods, a cake, etc.) ON WITH THE SERVICE!
We got there and I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!! In the cold and rain we had 32!! people show up. We had a 3 hour service, many testimonies, and even a baptism, in a freezing cold swimming pool. It was one of the BEST services we have EVER HAD in our new house church!! See pics. GOD IS GOOD AND IS WORKING HERE!! To HIM, be all the glory,
Respectfully submitted,
Tim and Iracema Kunkel July 5th, 2009
Tiago Goncalez Minelli, Born 7/5/2009
Second son of the owners of the house we meet in.
Felix Serano, baptized 7/5/2009
LA ROCA, 2 year anniversary of its founding. Added 6 members today.
I tried to get back to sleep, but the DRIP, DRIP!!! DRIPPPPPP!!!!!!!! of the water hitting into several buckets about 4 feet from my head was a little too much!
About 04;30 I gave up and got up. I made coffee and looked over my day, my sermon, notes and did my quiet time. The rain steadily fell!!! How were we going to be able to have our outside house church service?? I wondered??? LORD WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME, I prayed???
About 0630 the owner of the house we meet in called me to tell me that his wife had given birth that night. Did he want to cancel the service?? I wondered… OF COURSE NOT!! It was our 2nd year anniversary. The “fatted calf”, so to speak had been slain, and prepared ( really consisting of delicious finger foods, a cake, etc.) ON WITH THE SERVICE!
We got there and I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!! In the cold and rain we had 32!! people show up. We had a 3 hour service, many testimonies, and even a baptism, in a freezing cold swimming pool. It was one of the BEST services we have EVER HAD in our new house church!! See pics. GOD IS GOOD AND IS WORKING HERE!! To HIM, be all the glory,
Respectfully submitted,
Tim and Iracema Kunkel July 5th, 2009
Tiago Goncalez Minelli, Born 7/5/2009
Second son of the owners of the house we meet in.
Felix Serano, baptized 7/5/2009
LA ROCA, 2 year anniversary of its founding. Added 6 members today.
1 comment:
New babies, new baptisms, winter weather and a gorgeous cake. What could be better?
God is so good a bunching blessings!
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