Two years ago TODAY!! we arrived in this blessed land. It took us about 30 hours in 4 airports. We has 21!!! pieces of luggage!! I can say with the prophet Samuel,
( I Samuel 7:12) EBENEZER!! Up to this point the Lord has helped us!!!
After serving in Uruguay for 15 years , three years ago we accepted the challenge to come to this part of the world. We came here briefly and then went to the USA for a one year furlough. During that year we shared the mission's challenge 158 times!!!
Here the evangelical Chrsitian rate is less than 2% It is one of the pockets of darkness in Latin America. It is considered a place of danger and corruption. In the midst of all of this the Lord has allowed us to:
-Plant 2 house churches, and has allowed us to baptize 11 people. We have 19 members now in LA ROCA. We have been prospered and helped in every way.
- We have a nice place to live.
-We have good transportation.
-Our children are doing well.
-Our elderly parents are doing quite well and are well taken care of.
-Our things arrived here fine from Uruguay.
We have made many friends and contacts here. Some of them you see in the pictures below. We have so much to be thankful for. Please join us in praising the Lord of the Harvest who has sent us into this HIS harvest field. Blessings, THE KUNKELS
1 comment:
Dad, it's hard to believe that you have been there for 2 years already (feels like longer :) Im just kidding, but it is amazing to see all of the things you, mom and Steven have accomplished in such a short amount of time. I am glad that you are all happy there and feel that you are in the place God wants you to be. Keep up the good work and we love you very much!
tua filha e o teu gerno?
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