Dear Friends, family, and praying partners.
We wanted to take a few moments today and update you all on some of the things the Lord has been doing in our lives. It has been a while, and we apologize for that. Your love, prayer and support is so vital to all we do.
We are coming up on another furlough. In 2/13/2010 we hit our 20 year mark, of service overseas as missionaries. TO GO BE THE GLORY! He has sustained us. We will be living in SO CAL. From 7/3/2010 – 7/3/2011. We hope to see many of you that year! We are available to come and share in your churches, if you would so desire… Please send us an email to: tikunkel@gmail.com
We have now been assigned to
When we return to
Also feel free to connect with us via FACEBOOK… To find us, just put in our email. We have about 1270 friends and prayer partners there, and would love to connect with you as well. We often update people that way, on the work, prayer requests etc.
Family news: Iracema and I both lost our beloved mothers at the end of 2009 beginning of 2010. On Dec. 21, 2009, Ruth went home to be with the Lord. She was a few weeks shy of 96. She was a great Christian. In fact her father Ambrosio, Mendonca was won to Christ by the first SBC missionary who went to
My mother went to be with her Savior, on January 2, 2010, just a few days later. She was 79. She was one of our greatest prayer supporters and mobilizers. She is SORELY MISSED. Please pray for my father Glenn, who lost his beloved wife of 57 years. If you’d like to send him a note, please do so. Glenn Kunkel,
My mother and Ruth, are now in the presence of the Lord and no longer need translators to be able to communicate! Great are their rewards!
Tomorrow is Steven’s 21st Birthday. We are so proud of him. He is a GODLY young man. He is now a sophomore in college, and is getting his GE out of the way for his BA. He does it online from here in
Drop him a card or letter of encouragement. Steven Kunkel, 815 Summer Cir,
John Glenn is doing great. He is in SO CAL. He will get his MA in Pub. Admin., this December the lord willing, from
Julia and Jason continue to do well, in
Prayer requests:
-For the 8 people we are going to baptize on April 25th, 2010
-For the new pastor, David. He will be ordained, 6/6/2010
-For the preparations to get the storefront building ready. It will seat 200!
-For us as we prepare to move out of our apt. June 18th.
-For us as we receive 2 groups of
-For the 14 leaders we are mentoring for the new works.
-For the many we are discipling.
-For us to have wisdom as we schedule our year in the
-For my dad, as he gets used to life without my mother.
-For my sisters who take care of many of his needs.
We love and appreciate you all.
The Kunkels,