Thursday, November 25, 2010
Dear friends, Family, and Praying partners,
Greetings to you all, in the PRECIOUS name of Jesus! We are on furlough, and are in Southern California. We arrived on the 3rd of July, and have encountered a whirlwind of activity ever since! In the 4.5 months we have been here, w have shared about 100 times, in churches, Sunday Schools, at women’s meetings, with Children, at On Mission Celebrations, etc, etc. We have been, in Va. 3x, in Alabama, in Mo., in Ia., and in many parts of the great state of California. We have also been to a 2.5 day training event put on by security experts, called contingency training. This is to help us be better prepared to minister in a world that is ever more dark, sinister and dangerous.
SINCE OUR LAST PRAYER GRAM: WE finished up 4 years in E. PARAGUAY, and celebrated the planting, of the LA ROCA church. It is now being pastured by David Barudi. He is someone that I discipled and mentored for about 18 months, prior to this change. He was ordained a few days prior to our leaving Ciudad del Este. He has about 95 or so people in and attending the church, and he is doing a fine job in leading them.
OUR TIME IN THE USA, JULY 3rd, - NOV 25TH, 2010. We have spent a lot of time, in visiting churches, in several states. We have shared in large and small churches, and in conventional, and associational events. We have shared in women’s meetings, and were even at the annual meeting of the CAL. SO. BAP. CONVENTION. We have shared up to 3x on a given Sunday. We have seen God move mightily, and have even seen professions of faith in our services. We are coming into an INTENSE time of speaking, now that we are into the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering season, time. Please pray for us as we attempt, with the Lord’s aid, to put a clear mission’s challenge before God’s choice people.
OUR TIME WITH OUR CHILDREN; We were able to visit on two occasions with Julia, and Jason, in VA. We also spent a week touring with them, the E SEABOARD, and especially enjoyed the time we could spend at a friend’s cottage along the beach in Maine. How blessed a time that was. We also were in VA last week, and celebrated an early TG with them. They are working hard; she as a special ed. teacher, and he as a mortgage banker. We are proud of them, and their accomplishments…
John Glenn, our middle son, moved in with us, on Nov. 1st, and will be with us for the next 7 months. He will graduate with his Master in Public Administration, (MPA), on Dec 17th. We are proud of him. He has worked hard. To have 3 college degrees at his early age is a real accomplishment. (He turned 23 in June). If you want to send him a letter of encouragement, or a grad card, his address is: John Glenn Kunkel, 7431 Magnolia AVE, Apt. # 205, Riverside, CA, 92504
Steven is doing well, and loves SO. CAL. He and JG have visited many of the local sights, and have even gone to Hollywood. Follow him on Facebook, if you want to see some of the places he has gone. He updates a lot of things onto his account there. On FB look him up via his email address; He is now playing the keyboard at Immanuel Baptist Church in their Spanish speaking worship service. He is doing well, has a lot of friends, and has taken a class at the local community college on rebuilding hot rods. He has made a great friend, in adopted “Uncle Karl”, and has taken this class with him.
He will take several other college classes in the spring, both from a local community college, and the U WISCONSEN. He is planning to return to Paraguay with us, on July 3rd, of 2011 when our furlough ends.
MY DAD: Many of you will remember that last Christmas, in a span of 12 days both Iracema and I lost our mothers. This was a HARD time for us. Thanks for upholding us in your prayers. We have gotten through the year well. As the one year anniversary of their passing draws near, please pray for us as we still grieve but sorrow NOT as those who have no hope. My dad is doing quite well. He still goes a few hours per day to his office at a Chrsitian University, and walks and goes to the gym, almost daily. He has many friends and familial support, in my two sisters and one of my nieces. For this we are most thankful. I have been with him 2x so far, this furlough, for extended times, and will see a lot more of him, in the next 7 months. Please pray for him, especially over the holidays, and on the 1 year anniversary of my mom’s passing, Jan 2nd, 2011.
THE NEXT 7 MONTHS: We will continue to speak, and share about missions. We will also continue to study Guarani, the indigenous language spoken by many Paraguayans, as their heart language. I will also try and learn as much about the demographics, both physical, and even spiritual, of this country we call our home. In July of 2011 we will not be returning to the E part of Paraguay where we lived the past 4 years. Instead of that we will be moving to the capital city, Asuncion, and will be moving into a new job. We have been asked to work as mobilizers in Paraguay, and have accepted this post. As such, we will work with Baptists, and with other evangelical Christians, to try and help them reach their own country for Christ. Please pray for us as we make this significant change. Please also pray for our spiritual children, and grandchildren, in the USA Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay, that we have seen come to the Lord in over 26 years of ministry.
- For our children. For John Glenn, as he finishes his MPA, and looks for work, and considers the next steps in his life and career.
-For Julia, and Jason, as they live and work in VA.
-For Steven as he stays with us, and prepares to return to Paraguay, with us in 7 months. For Steven’s ministry in music at the Hispanic congregation, and for an up coming mission trip he will make with a group of believers from IMMANUEL BAP CH, in early December to Mexico. Pray for safe travels, and a blessed time there.
-For us as we speak and share.
-For mobilization for missions in Paraguay, and around the world.
-For my dad, and all our family, in the passing of our mothers.
-For Pastor Raul Martinez of Uruguay who also recently lost his mother. For his entire family, especially his father Don Faustino Martinez.
-For Pastor Moreno and Emilia, pastors of several of the churches we helped establish in Uruguay, during the years of 1990-2005.
-For the LA ROCA Church, in Paraguay, and its pastor David, his wife Natalia, and their son Victor. Also for the young leaders we helped to develop and disciple. That they might continue to be faithful…
OUR SINCERE THANKS; as Thanksgiving has arrived, and Christmas draws near, how THANKFUL WE ARE. We have been in ministry now for 26 years. We have been with the International Mission Board of the So. Bap. Convention, almost 21! God has been SO GOOD, kind and GRACIOUS to us. Without you all, lovingly supporting us in prayer, giving through the Cooperative program, and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, none of this would have been possible. We want to say a sincere THANK YOU to you all…
We love and appreciate you all!
Hebrews 6:10
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Spanish Thoughts; Counsel to Church LA ROCA
“Últimos consejos a la Amada Iglesia, LA ROCA”
6/6/2010 Pr. John Timothy Kunkel
Se encuentran en:
-Deut. 6: 4-5 Amen a Dios con TODO EL CORAZON… Deut. 6:12; No olviden de donde El nos sacó. La conversión significa CAMBIO.
-Deut. 6: 20. Transmite, y testifique lo grande que el Señor ha hecho a la nueva generación.
-Deut. 5:31 Capte la visión, Pastor David, y transmítela al pueblo. Tu tenés que ser, por la iglesia que pastoreas, el arquitecto del Ethos Apostólico! (Vea Edwin McManus), Pr. De la Iglesia MOSAIC de Los Ángeles, CALIFORNIA, USA.
-I Cor. 11:1. Siguen pastores y lideres mientras ellos siguen a Cristo. NUNCA siguen ciegamente ni un pastor; ni al Pr Timothy, ni al pastor David, ni a ni uno. Vele por sus vidas, y apoyen a ellos; ayúdenles a ellos a ser hombres I Tim, 3, y Tito 1.
- 11 Tim. 2:2, Pase la visión a las generaciones venideras. (Vean Pablo y su deseo, de transmitir la misma visión, y forma de vida, a por lo menos 4 generaciones que le iban a seguir.) Pablo, muchos testigos, hombres fieles, y otros.
-Mat. 28;18-20 No olviden que es la misión de la Iglesia. Hacer discípulos Panta ta Ethne; a todos los 12,000 grupos étnicos del planeta, 2,000 de los cuales que aun no saben NADA de Jesucristo! Hechos 1:8. Poder expansivo, explosivo. Lucas 19:10 Busquen los perdidos.
-Reino de Dios es como una semilla de mostaza; comienza chico. Sean UDS, buena semilla. Algún día será grande esta Iglesia y escondrijo de las “aves del cielo”. Nótense que hay aves de todo tipo! Sean pacientes los unos con los otros! J Vean, Mat. 13;31. Pregunta, que clase de ave mejor te caracterizaría?? Un cuervo, buitre, un golondrina? Otra?? J
-I Tim. 3: Sean todos cristianos con las características descriptas aquí. Seamos CREYENTES RADICALES. Cambiados y agentes del cambio. No olviden de tus votos que han hecho con el Señor.
-Ef. 5:8 ANDAD como hijos de Luz… Que sus vidas sean radicalmente diferentes de las vidas de los que no tienen a Cristo. Los no creyentes te están mirando! Antes UDS eran tinieblas! Ahora son LUZ en el Señor !!
-I Cor. 15:58 Ser firmes (no fuleros) y constantes (no inconstantes). Abundando en la obra del Señor. No será en vano! De esto estoy segurísimo!
-I Juan 2:15 No améis al mundo. (Agape cosmos). Codicias; deseos de la carne, de los ojos, y orgullo! HUID de las pasiones juveniles!! (I Tim. 6;11, y 11 Tim, 2;22). Ombovú camisá lomo! Que no haya ni el olor de escándalo alrededor de UDS, tus flias, y la amada iglesia! Judas 1:23. Pórtense varonilmente!, y esforzaos! 1Cor. 16:13
-I Ped. 2;11 Ser ciudadanos del cielo. Peregrinos. Heb. 11;13.
- Mat. 6;21 Hagense tesoros en el cielo. Mande el $ a “casa”! Ser generosos con la obra del Señor. Vean el libro de Randy Alcorn, The Treasure Principle. “El Principio del Tesoro.”
- I Tim. 4:12 Ser un ejemplo en todo; palabra, conducta, amor, espíritu, fe y pureza.
-Ef. 6;18; Orar por mi!! Por nuestra flia, Por el Pastor David, por su flia, por la iglesia, Oren sin cesar. Ser personas de oración. Los diez minutitos por día, típica del evangélico, de hoy en día, NO ES SUFICIENTE!
-11 Tim. 3:1 No sea una iglesia con comezón de oír. Car = , Mucha adoración/alabanza, poca predicación, mucho movimiento, pocos resultados; mucha palabrería de prosperidad, y poco de la cruz; del sufrimiento, (Mat. 16;24).
-Juan 15; Permanecer, permanecer, permanecer!! Sin ser ligado a la Vid, NADA PODES HACER!!
-Apoc. 3: Ser caliente, no tibio, con el Señor. La frieza espiritual causa ASCO a Dios!
-Ser pacientes con los demás hermanos. Hay gente DIFICIL acá! Uno de ellos soy yo!! “Ruego a Evodia y Síntique que sean de un mismo sentir en el Señor”. (Fil. 4:2) Busca la paz con todos…Solícitos en guardar la unidad del Espíritu en el vínculo de paz. (Ef. 4:3)
- Gen. 26:25 Ser personas con un altar de material, “vivir” en carpas de piel, y hacer unos pozos, por favor!! Sean como los fundadores de la fe: Vean Abraham, Isaac, y Jacó.
-Divierten se!!! La vida Cristiana es UNA ADVENTURA!! Vean la palabra GOZO, en Filipenses. Nótense que pablo en esta Epístola usa las palabras gozo o regocijarse 16 veces, en 104 versículos!
Les Quiero mucho!
Pr. Timothy FACEBOOK, por mi email, y mi BLOG,
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dear Friends, family, and praying partners.
We wanted to take a few moments today and update you all on some of the things the Lord has been doing in our lives. It has been a while, and we apologize for that. Your love, prayer and support is so vital to all we do.
We are coming up on another furlough. In 2/13/2010 we hit our 20 year mark, of service overseas as missionaries. TO GO BE THE GLORY! He has sustained us. We will be living in SO CAL. From 7/3/2010 – 7/3/2011. We hope to see many of you that year! We are available to come and share in your churches, if you would so desire… Please send us an email to:
We have now been assigned to
When we return to
Also feel free to connect with us via FACEBOOK… To find us, just put in our email. We have about 1270 friends and prayer partners there, and would love to connect with you as well. We often update people that way, on the work, prayer requests etc.
Family news: Iracema and I both lost our beloved mothers at the end of 2009 beginning of 2010. On Dec. 21, 2009, Ruth went home to be with the Lord. She was a few weeks shy of 96. She was a great Christian. In fact her father Ambrosio, Mendonca was won to Christ by the first SBC missionary who went to
My mother went to be with her Savior, on January 2, 2010, just a few days later. She was 79. She was one of our greatest prayer supporters and mobilizers. She is SORELY MISSED. Please pray for my father Glenn, who lost his beloved wife of 57 years. If you’d like to send him a note, please do so. Glenn Kunkel,
My mother and Ruth, are now in the presence of the Lord and no longer need translators to be able to communicate! Great are their rewards!
Tomorrow is Steven’s 21st Birthday. We are so proud of him. He is a GODLY young man. He is now a sophomore in college, and is getting his GE out of the way for his BA. He does it online from here in
Drop him a card or letter of encouragement. Steven Kunkel, 815 Summer Cir,
John Glenn is doing great. He is in SO CAL. He will get his MA in Pub. Admin., this December the lord willing, from
Julia and Jason continue to do well, in
Prayer requests:
-For the 8 people we are going to baptize on April 25th, 2010
-For the new pastor, David. He will be ordained, 6/6/2010
-For the preparations to get the storefront building ready. It will seat 200!
-For us as we prepare to move out of our apt. June 18th.
-For us as we receive 2 groups of
-For the 14 leaders we are mentoring for the new works.
-For the many we are discipling.
-For us to have wisdom as we schedule our year in the
-For my dad, as he gets used to life without my mother.
-For my sisters who take care of many of his needs.
We love and appreciate you all.
The Kunkels,
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Spanish LA ROCA BULLETIN 4 2010

Below Pastor David Barudy; To the left some of our Leaders, and USA pastor Mike...

Estimados hermanos.
Hemos llegado a la Pascua. Es mi Domingo, favorito del año. Es cuando acordamos, que somos miembros de una familia, mundial; de una iglesia, poderosa, del Señor JesuCristo, y que EL VIVE!! El REINA! El media por nosotros a la derecha del padre! Somos miembros de una fe antigua, eterna, y nuestro fundador aun vive! Esto es nuestra esperanza!
-La personería jurídica de LA ROCA, está pronta, firmada y entregada en nuestras manos. Ya podemos tener cuentas bancarias, y tener propiedades en nuestro nombre… Si UD es miembro de LA ROCA, y quiere ver esto, hable con Elvio…
- La propiedad que nos fue comprometida, está siendo transferida, al nombre de la Iglesia Evangélica Bautista LA ROCA..
-Los planes arquitectónicos ya están en nuestras manos..
- El concilio de la Iglesia LA ROCA, ha decidido, después de buscar el consenso de todos UDS, que si, a seguir con esto de la unificación de dos iglesias. Estan se reuniendo, y orando en retiros mensuales. Han tenido un retiro con Pr. David, y su lideres y ellos han decididos formar parte con uds de una iglesia unificada. Esta unificación, se hará, el día 6/6/2010 en el nuevo salón, de la Área 4. (En frente del club de la Área 4, Manzana 47, Lote, # 18). Hora 18…
-Yo al partir del 6/7/2010 no seré mas su pastor. El nuevo pastor de la iglesia unificada, será Pr. David Barudy. Oremos por el y su flia. El es un hombre de Dios, joven, energético, y visionario. SIGUENLE. Vea 1 Cor. 11;1, y Hebreos, 13:17… Mientras el imite a Cristo, imite su fe, y seguidle, también!
-El día, 22/6/2010 me voy con Iracema y Steven por un año a los USA. Si el Señor así lo permitiere, volveremos a CDE, el 1/7/2011. Pretendemos, con la ayuda del Señor, tratar de comenzar otras iglesias LA ROCA, en otros lugares, probablemente en las cercanías de Franco.
-Les pido que apoyen los líderes, y el nuevo pastor en todo este proceso. El es un hombre de Dios, dedicado al Señor y a su obra. Como yo, el es un pecador salvo por la gracia. El no es perfecto. Como yo, y comete e cometerá errores, pero creo yo, y tengo el apoyo del concilio de LA ROCA, que el es el hombre que Dios nos ha dado para ser el Pastor de la Iglesia, unificada.
- Reuniones: Al partir del Domingo 13/6/2010, tendremos reuniones semanales, (TODOS LOS DOMINGOS), en nuestro nuevo salón, en la Área 4. (En frente del club de la Área 4, Manzana 47, Lote, # 18). Será a la hora 09;00 cada domingo. No nos vamos a reunir más en las casas de David/Natalia, o de Elvio/Carla. En el nuevo salón, de la Área 4, que Elvio y Carla han concedido por el tiempo que fuere necesario, y sin costo, a no ser para la luz, reuniremos hasta poder ocupar el templo nuevo.
Tengo una cosa quiero compartir con UDS; Es una pregunta:
Pregunta? Y si uno. especialmente un miembro nuestro, se equivoca, que debemos hacer? Si uno caí en un pecado grave que debemos hacer?
Gálatas 6 1 Hermanos, si alguno fuere sorprendido en alguna falta, vosotros que sois espirituales, restauradle con espíritu de mansedumbre, considerándote a ti mismo, no sea que tú también seas tentado. 2 Sobrellevad los unos las cargas de los otros, y cumplid así la ley de Cristo. 9 No nos cansemos, pues, de hacer bien; porque a su tiempo segaremos, si no desmayamos. 10 Así que, según tengamos oportunidad, hagamos bien a todos, y mayormente a los de la familia de la fe
(Mateo 18). 15 Por tanto, si tu hermano peca contra ti, ve y repréndele estando tú y él solos; si te oyere, has ganado a tu hermano. 16 Mas si no te oyere, toma aún contigo a uno o dos, para que en boca de dos o tres testigos conste toda palabra. 17 Si no los oyere a ellos, dilo a la iglesia; y si no oyere a la iglesia, tenle por gentil y publicano.(Otra pregunta? Como se debe tratar un gentil, u odiado cobrador de impuestos?) Respuesta se encuentra en Mat. 5:43-44
Si uno reconoce su error, y pida perdón a Dios, y a la iglesia, les debemos perdonar. Si tiene una actitud de arrogancia, rebelión, y jactancia, se le debe expulsar. Que LA ROCA sea conocida por su actitud de restauración; no de expulsión. Mas tarde van a entender porque hablo acá de todo esto…
Fechas para llevar en cuenta:
-25/ Abril, Grupo acá de las asociaciónes de Iglesias de California, y Washington, USA. Culto 0900 en RS, y 16;00 en LA ROCA… POR FAVOR DE ESTAR EN LOS DOS CULTOS!
-2/ Mayo 09;00 Culto de LA ROCA, en la casa de Elvio/Carla.
- 16/ Mayo Llega grupo de Iglesia de Tampa, Florida. Culto 0900 en RS, y 16;00 en LA ROCA… POR FAVOR DE ESTAR EN LOS DOS CULTOS!
6/Junio Culto de unificación de las dos iglesias. Lugar? Nuevo salón, de la Área 4. Hora 18;00
12/Junio Asado de despedida de la flia Kunkel. Lugar a determinar. 19;30.
13/Junio en adelante: 09;00 Cada domingo de mañana, CULTOS EN NUEVO SALON, AREA 4. Apoye su iglesia con su presencia, y sus aportes financieros.
23/ Junio, Flia Kunkel se van de CDE, 2/Julio se van del Py.
Les queremos mucho,
Pr Tim, Doña Iracema, y Steven
Ef. 6:18-20