ASUNCION, 28/2/2012
Dear Friends and family,
Words cannot adequately describe the emotion we felt as Pr Jonathan, and Steven left yesterday to go to Japan, as a missionary, for a minimum, of 6 months, and up to 1 year on this his first official mission. The flight was 40 hours. At the airport was a large group of people that sent them off, with tears of joy. We prayed for them, in Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and Japanese. As you know he is going to Japan, in direct response to a missions’ call he felt seven years ago. He has been diligent to learn as much Japanese as he can, and can communicate quite well already in this difficult language. He can read its three alphabets, one of which is made up of 3200 Chinese pictograph symbols. Thanks for sowing into this effort with your giving and prayer. We are eternally grateful!
Can you believe that this child here pictured in 2000 on the cover of COMMISSION MAGAZINE, as a “LESSON IN MIRACLES”, is going to Japan as a missionary, with a 1 year religious worker’s visa?
And to think that you all had a part in all of this!
OFF THEY GO!! Asuncion Paraguay, 2/28/2012
Commissioning service # 3, CAMPO GRANDE Church, AsunciĆ³n…
Thanks again! , Pr Timothy, Iracema and