We want to thank the Lord for the way he is blessing in our two house churches. LA ROCA is a beginning Church Planting Movement in the Eastern Part of Paraguay. It is a dream which was planted in our hearts, by the Lord, who does not want anyone to perish but all to come to Salvation. ( Please see II PETER 3:9). It began a little over 2 years ago. Because we can never build enough churches to reach all the people that live in this area, ( Roughly 600,000 within 40 miles of us), we want to start churches in homes, in un-used offices, garages, under mango trees, :-) etc. We now have two and a core group of about 60 people. We have weekly meetings, and baptize people every month or so. We have the Lord's Supper 2x per month. We are seeing RADICAL CONVERSIONS.
I often say if there is no CHANGE there is no CONVERSION. We are seeing this. Whole families are coming to Christ. People's lives are being changed. What is our dream? 100 house churches in this area. It will take some time, but we believe our God is BIG ENOUGH to help us acomplish it. Pray!!! for us!!
God bless you, Pastor Tim, and Iracema M. Kunkel, CDE, Paraguay